Sultan mehmed vi biography definition
Şehzade mehmed ertuğrul
Mehmed's most significant act as Sultan was dispatching Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatürk) to reassert government control in Anatolia, which actually resulted in the further consolidation of anti-appeasement actors against the court, and consequently, the end of the monarchy.
Mehmed vi father
Mehmed VI (14 January – 16 May ) [1][2] was the 36th and last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
List of ottoman sultans in order
'Emperor-father') among the Osmanoğlu family, was the last sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the penultimate Ottoman caliph, reigning from 4 July until 1 November , when the Missing: definition.
Mehmed vi spouse
Muhammad VI or Mehmet VI, –, last Ottoman sultan (–22), brother and successor of Muhammad V. He became sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) near the end of World Missing: definition.