Biography chagall

What is marc chagall most known for

Early life Marc Chagall was born Moishe Shagal in , into a Jewish family in Liozna, near the city of Vitebsk, Belarus, then part of the Russian Empire.

biography chagall

Marc chagall second wife

Marc Chagall was born on July 7 in Vitebsk, a provincial town in the vast Russian Empire, located in present-day Belarus.

Marc chagall family

The illustrations in Marc Chagall’s biography “My Life” are representations of his childhood and youth in the enclosed world of the Jewish-Russian villages, in particular, the concept of family and tradition.

Marc chagall art style
Chagall's other illustrations include works by Gogol, La Fontaine, Y. L. Peretz, and his autobiographical Ma Vie (; My Life ) and Chagall by Chagall ().